A ride of any worth continues to elude me, and I continue to be a big ol’ crank puss about it, and fill my outdoor me-time with short hikes in the woods taking photos of trees, dying vegetation, bugs and frogs.
Tag Archives | journal-ish
The past few days picked up right where last week left off as far as riding. Or maybe I should say as far as not riding?
Needing Mo For My Jo
It’s been a few days since my last entry to this interweb hosted pixelated dung heap. There is a good reason for that: I haven’t been riding.
Sweat Relief
Monday was an OK-ish ride in the morning, and a HOT early evening in Midland watching B’s JV team get trounced while I sweat all over myself and anyone in a 30-foot radius of my gelatinous body. I don’t know how a person can produce as much sweat as I do just standing there, it really is disgusting and a tad embarrassing.
On Wednesday morning Wifey headed to Chicago for a three-day meeting at HQ, and I snuck out for a morning ride in the dreary mist, happy to be out on my bike after working the balls of Tuesday in the shop.
Heat Management
A crap ride on Saturday was followed by a day of slack and nothingness on Sunday. By Monday morning I was ready to take on some dirt roads south of town, hopefully before it got too hot.
Rapidly Aging
After a crap ride on Wednesday and a day playing catch-up with house/dad/husband duties on Thursday, I found myself unmotivated to ride before getting tires on the car Friday morning and without enough time to ride after.
Not Great But Great
After a week void of cheeks in saddle time, I was finally able to get out for a ride on Sunday. With the wind blowing steadily from the northeast at 15-20+ miles per hour I was expecting the worst, but it was somehow tolerable. I guess when you’re that hard up for a ride, anything will do.
The Long Days Betweenst
Other than test riding bike builds and repairs around the parking lot and streets surrounding the shop, I have not been on a bike since last Sunday. This lack of ride time has me feeling and looking like a giant fleshy heap o’ poo.
Failed Attempts
Monday was Labor Day and felt like a Monday regardless of the holiday. Tuesday was Tuesday and felt like Monday because of the holiday. Know-what-I-mean?
Not Being Right
As I closed my last post, I said that whatever I decided to do with my day—doing stuff-wise—it would be the right decision. That sounded good, and I tried to make it right, but choosing to ride had me wishing that I would have done just about anything else.
I’ll explain, because that’s what I do…